Author's Insights

General Information Needed

Why is it important to have all the details listed under the General Information section of the binder filled out? You will find that this information is the foundation for almost every phone call or inquiry someone will be making on behalf of another person. Date of birth; city of birth; social security number; mother's maiden name; other names used (initials, maiden name, previous marriage, adoption); parents' names; etc. will be at your fingertips and will save time searching through papers while they are on the phone or in someone's office. There are many documents that you will also need to have readily available. Birth, death and marriage certificates; driver's license; adoption agreements; divorce decrees; military discharges; to name a few. Having copies or originals, inserted in the pocket sleeves included in the binder will save hours/days of rummaging through files and boxes looking for these important documents.