A comprehensive organizer for your loved ones or representative when a medical crisis or death occurs.

Are you prepared if a medical crisis or death occurs?

Do you need an easy-to-follow guide to help you get organized?
Everything necessary in one comprehensive organizer!

When the Times Comes BinderWhen The Time Comes saves you and/or your loved ones or representative, months of work when closing an estate.

When The Time Comes is a comprehensive organizer that addresses the following topics:

  • Legal, Banking, Investments and Accounting
  • Medical and End of Life
  • Home, Vehicle, Insurance and Personal Property
  • Digital Assets and Credit Cards
  • Personal Data, Social Security and Military History
  • Initial steps to take when a death occurs
  • Having “The Talk” with family
  • And so much more!

When The Time Comesand it will - is an easy to follow, step-by-step organizer in a fill-in-the-blank format. It includes sleeves to store the important documents everyone needs to have on hand when a medical crisis or death occurs.


Preparing the information before the need arises will undoubtedly be the most thoughtful gift you will ever give to those you love.

It just makes sense to be prepared!